Creating Safer Space Modules
Creating Safer Space Foundation Module
It is a requirement that all those who have a safeguarding role in church attend and complete this 3 hour course with an authorised trainer. You can also undertake this training online via Zoom.
Please let the
District Safeguarding Officer and the
District Office know when there are any changes to circuit and church safeguarding officers. Please can circuits also let us know when they are running courses, and give the District Safeguarding Officers the details (names and circuits) of all attendees.
The CSS Foundation Module needs to be repeated every 4 years. Foundation Module training sessions are being arranged all the time in different circuits. Please contact your Circuit Safeguarding Officer for details.
Creating Safer Space Advanced Module
All ministers and circuit safeguarding officers are required to attend along with others in leadership positions. The face-to-face module is a 6 hour course, consisting of 1.5 hours preparation and a 4-hour learning session, and will necessitate a day’s commitment to attend. If you have not completed this one-day course, or are new to the post, please look out for training dates circulated or noted on this site. The Advanced Module is also available online, and consists of approximately 6 hours of e-learning and a 2 hour group gathered session on Zoom. Attendance at the Foundation Module is necessary before attending the Advanced Module.
The CSS AM handbooks are available free of charge from Methodist Publishing, postage payable, or as a download. We will supply the handbooks at the training events.
Creating Safer Space Advanced Module sessions are run by the District Safeguarding Officers, together with the Learning Network, at regular intervals. The course dates will be advertised here or circulated by your Circuit Safeguarding Officer.
More information about CSS modules can also be found at