Key contacts

The Chair of District:
Revd Dr David M Chapman
The Deputy Chair of District:
Revd Rachael Hawkins
The Secretary of the Synod:
Revd Zena Smith
The Assistant Secretary of the Synod (Presbyteral):
Revd Caroline Weaver
District Discipleship Enabler:
Angela Brydon
District Finance Manager:
Nichodimus Kawadza
District PAs:
Carol Griggs and Sarah Sutherland
Office hours: Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm
Tel: 01279 657195
District Safeguarding Officer: Pauline Jackson
District Policy Committee Secretary: Steve Rogers
District Vocations Champion: to be confirmed
Ministerial Probationers: Rev Chris Preece
Grants Secretary:
Tony Trevers
Property Secretary:
Steve Watson
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer:
Rev Andrew Brazier
Lay Employment Advisor:
Graham Danbury
Lay Stationing Representative:
Keith Norman
Sabbaticals Secretary:
Rev Teresa Rutterford
GDPR notice