Report of a District Visit by the President of Conference 
The visit of the President of Conference, Rev. Helen Cameron, to the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District involved careful planning to fit into her busy presidential diary. Helen arrived in the district early on a Sunday morning having addressed the Association of Inter-church Families the previous day. Despite her relentless schedule, the President is clearly enjoying her presidential year and was eager to be introduced to the district.
In 2024, High Street Methodist Church, Leagrave, in Luton in the South Bedfordshire Circuit is celebrating its 200th anniversary. As part of the anniversary celebrations, the President preached at the Sunday morning service and presided at Holy Communion. During the service, the congregation heard from those who had recently attended 3Generate. Afterwards, the President was guest of honour at a church lunch to mark Black History month.

District Visit 13 October 2024 Leagrave
The President of Conference with Rev. Dr David Chapman, Rev. Margaret Newman and the two oldest members at High Street Methodist Church, Leagrave, Keith Hudson and his sister Noreen Smith.
Later, the President travelled to Basildon to preach at a circuit service in the South Essex Circuit in which Colleen Weedon was admitted as a local preacher having recently completed her training. Colleen was delighted that the President of Conference was present to share in such a special occasion for her and for the circuit. It was fitting and very moving that the President’s letter to Colleen as a newly accredited local preacher was read by Helen herself. Following the service, the President enjoyed afternoon tea with members of the congregation.
District Visit 13 October 2024 Basildon
The President of Conference with Rev. Dr David Chapman, Rev Felicity Al-Hassan (Superintendent) and Colleen Weedon.
Rev. Helen Cameron’s long experience as a theological educator was put to effective use as part of the district’s annual programme for continuing ministerial development. The President was the keynote speaker at a district formation in ministry conference for probationers and ministers in the first ten years of ministry held at the Diocesan House of Retreat in the depths of the Essex countryside near Chelmsford. Drawing attention to the competing narratives in news and social media about international and national events, the President offered a deep theological reflection on ministers of the Gospel as truth bearers and truth-tellers. Richard Armiger, Head of Ministries and Learning in the connexional team, led the group in reflecting on how personality type affects learning styles and ministerial formation. Rev. Dr Andrew Wood, Secretary of the Forces Board, drew on the experience of those in chaplaincy with the armed forces to consider the role of chaplaincy in other sectors. Appropriately, in Black History month, Stuart Watkin, the district’s aligned Learning Network officer, updated ministers in relation to the church’s training in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 
District Visit 14 October 2024
The President of Conference with attendees at the district's formation in ministry conference.
The President’s visit to the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District concluded with a pastoral visit to the airport chaplaincy at Luton Airport, where Rev. Canon Liz Hughes heads an ecumenical and interfaith team of chaplains. Liz, together with members of the chaplaincy team, briefed the President about the work of the airport chaplaincy among staff and passengers. A highlight was a visit to the control tower, where the President was briefed about airport operations. Members of the airport’s senior management team hosted a lunch for the President at one of the restaurants in the departure lounge. Having passed through airport security with her passport in the company of excited holidaymakers, the President was mildly disappointed not to be taking a flight to one of the many international destinations served by Luton Airport. Instead, the District Chair delivered her by car to the more mundane setting of Luton Airport Parkway station where she caught a train to London St Pancras to continue her busy presidential itinerary.
District Visit 15 October 2024
The President of Conference with Rev. Dr David Chapman and Rev. Canon Liz Hughes (Senior Chaplain at Luton Airport).
This presidential visit will long be remembered in the district for the President’s personal warmth and easy-going manner which charmed everyone she met. Helen’s keen interest in people and their work shone through every conversation, leaving everyone greatly encouraged by her pastoral ministry. In this district, we are immensely grateful to members of Conference for their wisdom in electing Rev. Helen Cameron as President.