Farewell to District Safeguarding Officer

District colleagues, together with Superintendents and Circuit Safeguarding Officers, gathered in the district office on Monday 11 March 2024 to bid farewell to Gill Crippen, District Safeguarding Officer, on her retirement. Gill has served as District Safeguarding Officer in the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District since 2011. As a safeguarding professional with 20 years’ experience of working for the Methodist Church, Gill has tirelessly served this district with immense dedication to safeguarding and a strong sense of justice.
Grahame Snelling, a former regional colleague, spoke on behalf of connexional safeguarding colleagues to thank Gill for her service to safeguarding in the Methodist Church.
The District Chair, Rev. Dr David Chapman, thanked Gill on behalf of the District, adding his personal appreciation for Gill’s support and commitment to developing good safeguarding practice throughout the district. Gill was presented with gift vouchers and flowers before everyone enjoyed a hot lunch. Afterwards, Gill cut a celebration cake specially commissioned for the occasion.

We wish Gill and her husband Richard every happiness and blessing with their family as new horizons and opportunities come into focus.