Safeguarding Sunday
Sunday 19th November 2023 will see the annual recognition of safeguarding in our churches across the country. This year more than any other I think we really need to promote Safeguarding Sunday and do all we can to ensure our churches are using this opportunity to mark this day.
Safeguarding in our churches, across all denominations, has taken a bit of a battering so we need to return to basics. In preparation for Safeguarding Sunday let’s get our house in order and ensure we are following policy and procedure.
To our dedicated church and circuit safeguarding officers, please know that there is an abundance of excellent resources to ensure our churches have safeguarding in a prominent position. This is a link to the Methodist church website where you will find safeguarding posters and stickers to either download or order:
If you have a church newsletter, make sure you get a spot for safeguarding. In your church council meetings safeguarding should be on the agenda every time and not just at the end so it is rushed through as everyone wants to go home. Safeguarding is not an add on or a nice to have. It is integral to the life of the church and has earned its place front and centre. On your church websites please upload your up-to-date safeguarding policy. If you have welcome cards/leaflets for new visitors to your church, you could get a one-line statement added to show that your church has a safeguarding policy. All of this demonstrates to everyone who comes into our buildings that the Methodist Church takes safeguarding seriously, always.
Our friends at thirtyone:eight have put together a pack for Safeguarding Sunday. This is the link for you to register and download your pack:
I encourage you to either take the service on that day or ask that it has a safeguarding theme if you are not able to do the service yourself. The pack is very helpful and a good guide to plan and deliver your service.
Let’s all do what we can to have safeguarding in our churches viewed as a positive and necessary concept designed to keep everyone safe.
Below are links where you can download posters for your notice boards:
NSPCC posters and wallet cards
Refuge (women)
Restored (women)
Mankind (men)
Hertfordshire vulnerable adults
Bedfordshire vulnerable adults
Essex vulnerable adults

Pauline Jackson
District Safeguarding Officer
Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District