Early Years' Retreat - November 2021
Early Years in Ministry is a group that normally meets 3 times a year for mutual support for ministers between years 3-10 in their ministry.
It was wonderful to be able to meet in person again, and we were given a warm welcome for our pre-Advent retreat at the Focolare Centre in Welwyn Garden City. 9 ministers (plus the District Chair and the Convenor) were in attendance and very ably led by Revd Caroline Weaver on the theme 'Creation and Creativity'. Each session took a different slant on the Genesis 1 days of creation, and was both challenging and inspiring.

A variety of creative work also took place, some of which you can see in the picture. It was a gift of time and space to reflect with fellowship, worship and Bible study combined, and we are grateful to the District for enabling this.
Rev Gill Hulme
Early Years in Ministry Convenor